Serious Game in Higher Education project will contribute to implementing “serious games” as a central pedagogical learning platform for the master programĀ  industrial economics and technology management at UiA.

The main objective of the project is to innovate and strengthen our students’ learning and expertise by means of “serious games”, a digitalized, project-based learning form. 

Since the Autumn 2018, we have gained experience using the AlbaSim Project Management (PM) Game in several project management courses. Albasim PM-Game is a “not for profit” software where all income is used for further development of the game.

We will share our experiences from implementing serious games at the university in several upcoming conferences during the  Summer and  Autumn of 2020. The first conference is Edulearn which will take place July 6th and 7th. 

We are also developing  serious games for other courses in the program.  Currently (Summer 2020) we are in the process of making a game about Lean Production.

We use the serious game platform Wegas through the AlbaSim portal (link here)

We have also set the following sub-goals:

1. Development and testing of evaluation of serious games scenarios with adapted assessment methods.

2. New matching learning outcomes descriptions, learning activities and assessment forms are developed through the use of serious games in teaching.

3. The development of knowledge and educational competence on “serious games” as a form of learning and assessment.

4. Document, share and disseminate new knowledge, new practices and experiences related to “serious games” to other study programs, educational institutions and business.

Project’s Serious Games

The PMGame

Fully Developed

The Agile Serious Game

Under Development

The Lean Serious Game

Under Development

If you are a developer of a serious game, or have used any, please share your knowledge.